Turnkey development programmes for your managers

Developed by experts and ready for immediate use

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Why spend your L&D dollars on Sharpist

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48% of managers prefer external coaching and curated training programmes.
Empathetic managers increase the productivity of their team by an average of 21%
Digital training programmes increase employee retention by 60%
Replacing a trained employee costs the company 200% of their annual salary

The top use cases of our coaching programs

Strengthen leadership skills
"Work smarter, not harder" - invest in the personal development of your leaders and high potentials.
Focus of the program:
Role clarity
Time management
Stress management
Effective delegation
Results of the ready-to-use solution:
Mastering different leadership styles
Developing an awareness of different problems and how to deal with them effectively
Increasing team performance by promoting self-reflection and personal responsibility
Support transformation & change
Support your managers to successfully manage change and lead their teams through transformation.
Focus of the program:
Change management
Leadership in times of change
Cultural integration
Team and organizational development
Results of the ready-to-use solution:
Employees live the corporate values and principles, which forms the foundation of the organization.
Managers become ambassadors of change by exemplifying the transformation and motivating their employees to embrace it.
Managers show a high willingness to change and know how to lead their teams through change.

Change & Transformation: a turnkey learning journey

Find out more
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
First coaching sessions
Last coaching sessions
Sharpist: Pre-Survey
Quarterly Business Review
Survey results to learners
Sharpist post survey
Quarterly Business Review
Step 1
Step 2
Growth mindset
Step 3
Step 4
Increase employee retention
Offer your employees a long-term personal development program.
Focus of the program:
Clarify role and values
Setting focus and priorities
Reflect on role and career development
Results of the ready-to-use solution:
Closing skill gaps and increasing work productivity
Integrate new employees and promote self-confidence
Promote self-directed learning and empower employees to develop their own careers
Improve mental well-being
Ensure your employees' needs are met and increase the productivity of your employees.
Focus of the program:
Stress resistance & dealing with stress
Developing resilience
Team support
Employee welfare
Results of the ready-to-use solution:
Employees and managers develop improved stress resistance and resilience.
Long-term coping mechanisms and strategies are developed to manage stressful work environments.
Supporting teams by building personal resilience.

Ready to learn more about Sharpist's turnkey solutions?

Identify key features that match your business goals
Explore what your industry peers are successfully doing
Get pricing information for the solution that is best suited for your organizational needs

More about coaching

Coaching is a transformative tool for personal and professional development. It differs from traditional teaching by fostering a collaborative partnership. In personal coaching, the focus is on life goals and well-being, while executive coaching enhances leadership and strategic thinking. Career coaching guides through career choices, and sports coaching boosts athletic skills.

Key techniques include active listening for deeper understanding, powerful questioning to inspire critical thinking, and setting SMART goals for clear action plans. Coaches provide accountability and feedback, driving motivation and progress.

The impact of coaching is substantial, leading to increased self-awareness, confidence, and clarity in goals. In organizations, it enhances leadership, team dynamics, and productivity, building a culture of continuous learning. Coaching is not just a present solution but an investment in future success, aiding individuals and organizations to navigate life's challenges and achieve their fullest potential.